Image credit: Arlington Research on Unsplash
If you’re still manually processing hundreds (or thousands) of invoices per month, Contexture can save you a whole lotta time.
Digitize hundreds of invoices from any format in seconds with our industry-leading OCR + AI technology. (Yes, we extract line items.)
Benefit from our 99.5% data accuracy guarantee. We have a team of human verifiers that review complex invoices.
Automatically match invoices against POs and shipping documents (3-way match) and verify that invoices are received from approved vendors.
That’s the power of Contexture AP Automation.
Boost AP efficiency without changing your processes or ERP.
Another example of how Contexture and AI are making life easier for Accounting departments and solving business problems.
Learn how AP teams in the construction industry are using AI-powered AP Automation solutions to automate invoice data entry and PO validation and free up time for higher-value accounting projects.
A flexible AP automation solution provides the flexibility of "planes, trains, and automobiles" to ensure you arrive at your destination.
Repetitive invoice entry tasks, document matching, and GL coding can all be automated, freeing up employees to focus on more creative and challenging aspects of their work.